I hope you all had fun trick or treating. Our boys are at a perfect age. They still think it is cool to hang out with mom and dad and I can still convince them to give me half of their candy. We had a blast going from house to house. Our boys practiced their "trick" all week to get ready for
Friday night. Will pulled his thumb off about 50 times and Luke perfected the amazing talent of hopping on one foot. Pretty awesome stuff.
For the parents out there, cherish "big moments" with your kids. Even though our kids are only 6 and 4, I can see how fast our kids grow up. I figure we only have about 6 more Halloweens with our kids. I hope they never forget these times. I hope we are doing the right things to make their childhood something they can look back on and remember all the laughter.
update - An amazing encounter on Sunday. We visited a church in St Charles for the first time. I overheard the pastor talking to another new couple that said they just moved from Parker, CO (same place we lived). I introduced myself and we ended up sitting next to them. After several questions we realized we went to the same church and after more questions realized we had several mutual friends and finally realized they had been through Marriage Plus. About 100 people in the entire country have been through Marriage Plus. I imagine there are only two couples in all of St Louis and we just happened to walk into the same church for the first time on the same Sunday and run into each other. Pretty amazing "coincidence". We look forward to following up with them.