I hope you had a great Christmas. We had a blast. Will and Luke were "doing" advent every night building anticipation towards the arrival of Baby Jesus and Santa. Two of their favorite people arriving on the same day. ROCK ON!
We baked cookies during the day on Christmas Eve and surprised some friends and neighbors with cookies and Christmas caroling later that evening. We even made all of the firemen at the firehouse come out and listen to Luke and Will's version of Jingle Bells. It was a lot of fun and a tradition we look forward to building on every year.
Gifts were simple this year and nobody cared. Will figures the reason Santa didn't need to bring him a Wii was because Grandpa and Grandma already had one that he could play with. What a cool kid.
We went to Iowa after Christmas and got to enjoy some snow and time with cousins, aunts, uncles and grandpa and grandma.
update - - We are hoping to find a place of our own very soon. Looking at a lot of homes as we decide between renting and buying. Yikes.