Wednesday, October 15, 2008

MarriageLinks is a work in progress. It is up and running and we hope to add content to the site often. We will use this blog to keep you up to date about what's going on with us and what's the status of the ministry. We've been in St Louis for about 4 months and are realizing that things never seem to go as planned, but that is okay.
We have talked with a ton of people and our hope in impacting marriages hasn't changed. The way we will be doing it has never been certain and that is a good thing because it has changed several times.
All our paperwork has been filed with the state and federal offices and MarriageLinks will be its own 501-C-3 soon. This step will hopefully allow us to go out and secure some funding to help us make this dream a reality.
Thanks for reading. We'll be writing again soon.
Barry and Sue

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